Thursday, September 2, 2010

Humble Beginnings

So now I have a blog on my love for sewing garb. Hopefully I'll be able to post some helpful insights for people or just be able to put my own thoughts in order.
Projects I'm working on at the moment:
 - Allesso Allori 1555 Florentine Doublet gown (profile pic) in turquoise mauve shot taffeta with gold trim, organza oversleeves and underskirt, and embroidered partlet
 - Gold doublet to go with either a pair Elizabethan trunk hose or detachable skirt (cos playing a boy would be fun and then I can switch back to girly easily)
 - 1530's italian gown modelled on Eleonore de Toledo's gown in Patterns of Fashion in blue and yellow damask
- Svante Sture outfit from the Janet Arnold Patterns of Fashion in black and green velvet with gold cording for my man

Will start blogging and post photos on these projects and more soon

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